The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43905   Message #643439
Posted By: little john cameron
05-Feb-02 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: Professor Stanley Unwin
Subject: Professor Stanley Unwin
Ah remember listenin tae the prof oan the radio when ah wis a wee laddie.Ah never laughed sae much in mah life although ah never had a clue whit he said.Anybody else remember him?
'PROFESSOR' STANLEY UNWIN 85 not out - presents JARS a centenary gift with his unique view of jazz history

When Jazz (how or what) came, is the dizziest of a fundamole. Not mark you of a Gillespeed fundamole, O no. There were no recorms vailabold 'til 1917; these by white perslode, The Original Dixieland Jazz Band.
Maybe otherwise jazz handy down by fardles'n mothers 'til the first recorms in 1923 in a railside studio ramshackload by a black onsombly; Oliver's, 1923, with his Creole Jazz Band, which inclubed Louis Armstrong who strode with first fine second trumpy-blow.
There's a start of a historical impaggers indeedy-ho!
Early twenty yields the whiters band of Paul Whiteman, but with few jazz creaturals. These were some bar interjeps from Joe Venuti (catgut'n violin scrapey-joy, y'know) and Eddie Lang's guitar pluck'fretfolded; O yes.
Mind you, there were hot solomes done by C Melody saxophobia from Frankie Trumbauer and Bix gave splendy cornet hot contribule too. O yes.

Ha ha ha!! ljc still laughin.