The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43776   Message #643603
Posted By: GUEST,Boab
06-Feb-02 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: Eddi Reader
Subject: RE: Eddi Reader
Awee tale re. Eddi and her appearance at Celtic Connections; After a gig, Herself and Phil Cunningham had a visit to a fish and chip place, and were "on the wander" while they dipped into the paper bags. They happened to come upon a pub [it was named, in the "Herald Diary", but I forget it---] from which the sounds of a karaoke were floating. The pair of them landed in there, and the bold Eddi stepped onstage and "karaoked" one of her own numbers. The report reckoned that everybody was amazed at her likeness to the "real thing". [Personally, I can't credit Eddi being unrecognised, especially in Glasgow.]