The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43923   Message #644072
Posted By: CapriUni
06-Feb-02 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: Max - A job reference
Subject: RE: Max - A job reference
One thing about an open thread, too (whether or not Max actually uses what we write here), is that it allows Max to lurk, and see what we think about him. That in itself, could be helpful, after the getting a rejection from an employer (and in today's economy, there is no need for him to take such rejection personally) -- so that the rejection is tempered by: "Max is really good at what he does!"

And he is. Personally, I find Mudcat not only to be content rich, and easy to use, but the design is also elegant and easy on the eyes.

Too many sites on the Web, imnsho, are ruined by being hard to read, either because of clutter or clashing colors. Mudcat has none of that.

Well, done, Max!