The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43866   Message #644508
Posted By: GUEST,Christy Moore
07-Feb-02 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: Campsite at Drumcree III
Subject: RE: Campsite at Drumcree III
It's great to be back in th'oul fray again!

Now here's one for them as doesn't reckon much of this thread!

There's some that use the Mudcat think we're shite
And there's others use it think that we are all alright
Are you gonna quit this bollicks
Youse bunch of alcoholics
Well we might, there, Michael so we might

There's some that use the Mudcat get the joke
There's other use the Mudcat, we make boke
Since you offend so many's taste
Are you gonny quit this place?
Well we might, there, Michael so we might

There's some as think we're ignorant and rude
And our jokes are very dorty, cruel and crude
They think we should sling our hook
From this hallowed folkies' nook
Well we might, there, Michael so we might

But then again some others think we're class
They'd be sorry if this postin' was our last
Would you not fuck the begrudgers?
The grumpy oul' curmudgers?
Well we might, there, Den, so we might