The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43679   Message #644684
Posted By: JeZeBeL
07-Feb-02 - 02:49 PM
Thread Name: Yorkshire Gathering 2002?
Subject: RE: Yorkshire Gathering 2002?
I think it was tuesday by the time we all went home, well the ducks and I and tig and badger...but I cant remember...Can I reserve my spot for the huge tent of mine again. Who needs a marquee...mines a six man tent, although there could be three of us this year. my house mate cat has just joined..catsPHiddle, and were trying to get chris to join aswell. personally i think he just wants to snuggle up with two gorgeous women!!

Jason has left the Jug....hurrah!! young catters are welcome, look at the flock of ducks that attend!!

the jug is still going strong. the foods top notch,especially the paté and toast, and the whitby scampi....can't beat it. and the beers still grand!! If you really must, there's john smiths and fosters and all that rubbish, but there's still all the real ale aswell.....and the cider for grail and gail!! Are we kidnapping grail again?

One thing though, Gillie, I'm not carrying the magician back to the caravan again with no help...he's a foot taller than me almost!! someone else can...or he can stay in the marquee.

Dave, r u bringing spot with you again?

Micca, ur not camping next to me again, u snore!!

We'll be travelling from across the river, or maybe in the river if the rain keeps up and we get flooded. we live in gowdall now.

Our little darling Chris will drive us to the jug for the weekend.

Will the "arabian folk dancing" be going again this year? I propose Les must join in rather than just watching this time!!

Jez xxx