The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43866   Message #645162
08-Feb-02 - 04:44 AM
Thread Name: Campsite at Drumcree III
Subject: RE: Campsite at Drumcree III
The proposed depercussionalisation of the Island of Ireland has been embraced by a wide cross-section of popular opinion and is already well underway.

We are now canvassing opinion on two further initiatives which, it is hoped, will have long-term benefits for the Irish Musical Tradition.

The first is the "dealienisation" of Irish Music. This means, in effect, the banning of all instruments which are not native to the tradition. For example, the didgeridoo, the nose-flute and the pan-pipes, the castanets, the marimba and the "comb-and-paper".

The second is the "deaccompanisation" of music, which refers to the removal of all forms of accompaniment. Under this proposal, the solo performance (on a ntaive instrument - see above) will be reinstated to its rightful place as the highest form of artistic expression in Irish music. Two instruments may perform together, provided that they are "native" and that they play in unison.

Views are welcome until end-February, following which the proposals, however revised, will be effected.