The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44013   Message #645556
Posted By: katlaughing
08-Feb-02 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: Help, there's a peacock on my roof!!!
Subject: RE: Help, there's a peacock on my roof!!!
Haha...harpgirl, we had peacocks and peahens when I was growing up. Never knew they could fly until then. I used to "talk" to them. That's how we came to have some. A lady came looking for her lost ones one day because someone told her they'd "heard" ours. It was just me they'd heard, but we wound up buying a pair from her for $15!

They eat bugs in the grass, cracked corn, etc. I would imagine there is plenty in the wild stuff around there for one to get along just fine, but whomever lost it may be wondering where it went.

They are kind of stupid in some ways. Ours pecked at his reflection in the chrome bumper of the car, so we stood an old mirrow against the porch, thinking he'd like it. Well, we had to take the mirror away because he pecked himself bloody trying to kill his "rival."

I have seen them take off flying and go for great, long fell swoops, over a large valley area. They are great watchbirds, scaring the bejaysus out of unknowing prowlers. When I ran a 3 inch nail through my foot, ours set up a huge squawking alarm, bringing the household at a dead run to see what had happened. They would roost in the trees in the winter, but in the spring and summer, we'd find them high up on the gables, waking us at 4am! Despite that, we really did enjoy those silly birds.

Hope this is helpful!*bg*
