The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23696   Message #645712
Posted By: GUEST,Davey
08-Feb-02 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: Whistling Gypsy - prejudice?
Subject: RE: Whistling Gypsy - prejudice?
I agree with Mr. Harlow. there is far too much PC crap bandied about these days. He hit it on the head when he mentioned the blurring of definitions. Some there be who, in their ignorance, apply the social divisions of their own society to other societies. This is a type of patronising arrogance which I find difficult to stomach. For example, there are no Gypsies / Roma in Ireland. The term is misapplied in English and leads to confusion. The mixup becomes even worse when the PC'ers treat Tinkers as if there is no difference between them and "Gypsies". The distinction is clearcut in the Irish language: A Tinker is a "Tincéir" i.e. a tinsmith, a man with a respected and useful trade in days before the disposable society. I doubt if there are any Tinkers to be found today. They had settled homes and travelled in a limited area plying their trade. They were often musicians, which made their periodic visits to a locality doubly welcome. The dictionaries give no cross reference to any other class of people!! The term covering "Gypsy" is "Lucht Siúil" i.e. walking people, which approximates to "Travellers" but in its literal sense. Racially, the "Lucht Siúil" are identical to the Irish population; they have the same surnames, speak English with a pronounced brogue, play the same type of music, sing the same types of songs, practise the same religion (Catholic)and they are white. They are not foreign refugees.