The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43999   Message #645884
Posted By:
09-Feb-02 - 05:46 AM
Thread Name: Guitar: Do Nylon Strings need changing?
Subject: RE: Guitar: Do Nylon Strings need changing?
The "G" string does seem to be the greatest problem. The D'Addario strings with the "coffee colored" "G" string seem better to me; but they supply a conventional "G" string in case you don't like the special one.

My favorite classical strings are Augustine Blue for the bass and Regal for the treble. There is a set of six strings sold with that combination.

Apropos of nothing. The mention of strings reminds me of something I heard Thom Bresh say about his father, Merle Travis. He said they at a festival and on the grounds after Travis's performance a young teenager asked Travis what kind of strings he used. Travis answered with a big smile, "Why, I use guitar strings, son." and he walked away pondering why people ask such silly questions.
