The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44093   Message #647287
Posted By: Devilmaster
11-Feb-02 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: An Open Letter from GUESTS to Max
Subject: RE: An Open Letter from GUESTS to Max
Ya know, Guest, your right, private websites aren't democracies.

Mudcat is owned by Max. He allows other people to use this website, free of charge, because he has a love of music and wants to share in that.

Now, if members go too far, like I did once, won't mention which thread, I recieved a PM stating that I did wrong, and to cut it out. I have seen some very hateful stuff posted by members AND guests. There are those type of people out there, I'm sure you'd agree.

But if a guest attacks a personal member, how does anyone know which guest it is? Is it billy joe jim bob, who just flames cause he gets off on that? Or is it Arlo Guthrie ( which some unknown Guest claims that he does.... as a guest...... sorta like a double negative? :) )and Arlo contributes, but doesn't like what the member said. How does anyone know who it is?

Max has the right to say whatever he wants on his site. You might not like it, I might not like it, everyone might not like it. But its his own site, and no one is gonna stop him. If Max started to go to far, people would just stop coming to Mudcat. If that happens, the website dies. Everyone will find something else. Life goes on.

So if Mudcat has become less relevant, and Max feels that he needs to change things, so be it. That is something for Max to deal with. Tain't none of my business. Nor anyone else's. I have offered congrats and moral support to him, but it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, its his site, and his to do with as he chooses.

As long as Mudcat is still up, and garners hits from people, and some of those people offer money to help him out, it doesn't matter what you, I or anyone says or does. This change in policy is directed to try and solve a problem Max doesn't like. If he changes it and Mudcat goes to hell in a handbasket, that will be for him to deal with.
