The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44076   Message #647386
Posted By: Bill D
11-Feb-02 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: An Open Letter from Max to GUESTS
Subject: RE: An Open Letter from Max to GUESTS
ah, Clinton..if it were ONLY a fantasy game, you would have a point, but these are real issues. There are real people wanting songs and answers and doing real things. And Max is a real person, using his spare time to make this place for them.

And many of these real people have met in real time and have literally had their lives changed by some of their experiences....

if you are immune to this sort of thing, then you are either very fortunate...or very UNfortunate, depending on viewpoint and personality.

When I read a post...I see a person there...some are kinda vague and hard to put details to...others, like Clinton Hammond...*grin*...are fleshed out in detail and easy to imagine right in the room with me.

There are some folks I'd love to spend time with....and others I'd just like to get 20 minutes alone with...once!

sorry, but after 56 years of life and other people being face-to-face, it IS now the case that part of life and others is the internet...and we'd better learn to cope!