The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9700   Message #64757
Posted By: Joe Offer, Rockville Library, MD
21-Mar-99 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: JOE OFFER Come Back To Us, All Is Forgiven
Subject: RE: JOE OFFER Come Back To Us, All Is Forgiven
Ah, yes, it was a wonderful evening. That Rick certainly does put on a good show, he does. I wish I had been a little more forward about inspecting that autoharp of yours, Rick. From a distance, it looked quite interesting, but you disappeared before I remembered to go up an take a close look at it. Care to tell us about it? Thanks for the show - it was a pleasure meeting you.
I wish I had taken a closer look at Bill D's autoharp, too, now that I know how old it is. From my vantage sitting next to him, it just looked a bit "battered." I just figured Bill was a little rough on his toys. Those were great songs you sang, Bill - not a bit stodgy, either. Not exactly what I would expect out of a stick-in-the mud, curmudgeonly, folk purist. Heck, in person, you don't even sound grouchy....
I'm still trying to calibrate how high Roger's voice went on one of those blues songs. That young man is darn talented. Well, maybe not so young, though.
Anyhow, it sure was a fun evening, and real pleasure to meet everyone and sing with so many.
-Joe Offer-
The fact that I didn't mention the singing of some people doesn't mean they don't sing well. They do. It's quite a talented bunch that gets together in DC. Makes me sad that I have to leave this week, but it will be nice to be home.