The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44076   Message #647624
Posted By: M.Ted
11-Feb-02 - 06:29 PM
Thread Name: An Open Letter from Max to GUESTS
Subject: RE: An Open Letter from Max to GUESTS
It doesn't register with a lot of people that, far from being a discorporate entity in cyberspace, the Mudcat forum and all of its associated stuff reside on a group of servers (most of us even know their names) that exist in Max's living quarters--when he had his business, they the overhead was covered---basically, it was donated by Max, and he called the shots(or such shots as there were)--now, with new funders, Max won't call all the shots--the funders will expect that the forum addresses their goals--

I don't see many funders having tolerance for any of the flaming, the abuse, or even the flatulence jokes--furthermore, I don't see many funders allowing much room for the random clowning, joking, and non-music threads--Indignant GUESTS, particularly the Max Attackers don't seem to realize that the antics and rantings(not just theirs) could have been cleaned out long ago, had he wanted to do it, if he had wanted to censor, he could have done it at any time, and there would be no trace of any of the controversial posts--

The free speech, fair and impartial discussion doesn't really matter--there is no free lunch, and Max isn't picking up the tab any more--for better or worse, the forum will change to meet the expectations of the new funders--