The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44093   Message #647690
Posted By: Gareth
11-Feb-02 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: An Open Letter from GUESTS to Max
Subject: RE: An Open Letter from GUESTS to Max
Dear Max, and MudElves,

A number of European based Catters had a very good meet/sing along/instrument session/ p*** *p at Stoney Stratford this week end.

Some practicle decisions were made as to how we could channel support into the Mudcat to ensure its continued succes and continueation.

If you want the rough minutes of what was decided, and how, please PM me with your E Mail address, as there are still a few rough corners to smooth out before we go fully public

We were not aware of the threads starting with Max's open letter - and I doubt that they would have made any difference to the decisions, or consensus.

Firstly the overall consensus was that if we wanted the Mudcat to continue it was up to Catters to put something back. It was not just that Max and a handful of others continue to subsidise the research, information, and (speaking personally) the hours of entertainment that the Mudcat has given us.

Secondly. that any fundraising activities were to be open and accountable, and audited. Why was this a key factor ? Simple, there are enough flamers, trolls and lurkers out there who would have great pleasure, as "Anon Guest", in accusiung anybody handeling cash, in fiddelling, self importance etc. Whilst years, wearing other political hats, have inured me to such accusations, others may not be so thick skined, and I have no intention of exposing others to such hurts or accusations, without a means of defence.

Thirdly there was no mention of any attempt to equate financial contribution with control, and speaking again personally I will not be a party to that.

It's Max's site, his forum, and he has a right to demand certain minimum standards. It is a pity that some guests, and members have abused that. Perhaps I am sometimes guilty of breaches of politness and netiquete. If so I deserve any PM's I receive, or more public, but polite admonitions.

I do not know what Max has in mind, I wonder if at this specific moment wether his own mind is confident on which route to take ?

But it's simple - If Max gets it right the 'Cat and the Dt will survive and grow - If he gets it wrong then the 'Cat will follow the Dodo. But I am afraid that the present situation can not continue - Guest status, and I suspect that part of this is Members logging out and reposting as "Anon Guest" - is being abused.

And speaking "ethnically" if theres one thing that units 'Catters, or us Welsh, its an attack on one - Try this song, and think about it.


Gareth ( Yes I Know a double post is a breach - So !)