The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44093   Message #647870
Posted By: Blackcatter
12-Feb-02 - 01:51 AM
Thread Name: An Open Letter from GUESTS to Max
Subject: RE: An Open Letter from GUESTS to Max
I once likened my discussions with GUEST like a cat playing with a mouse. The past few days, I've gotten the feeling that it's more like a janitor cleaning out a stopped up toilet. Hence it's no fun for me anymore. I'd rather look forward to Valentine's Day and a special dinner with my sweetie.

I could then insult the GUEST, but others have. I could reiterate everything else, but why. Frankly, I'm not even sure why I'm posting this.

I feel sorry for GUEST - no check that - I feel pity for GUEST. The one thing is that I still don't see how GUEST is really damaging the Mudcat - sure things like funding may hurt, but GUEST will eventually move on (or someone will kill GUEST - they have to be an asshole in a car as well).

Things will eventually get back to normal - actually, there's plenty of normalcy around here still. There's a bunch of music threads as I write this as well as some interesting BS threads. pax yall