The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44076   Message #647978
Posted By: Fossil
12-Feb-02 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: An Open Letter from Max to GUESTS
Subject: RE: An Open Letter from Max to GUESTS
OK, I have now given in and got the OK to put a cookie on the PC I use at work. So I can now drop the dreaded "GUEST" appelation and post under my real (?) identity.

My 0.02 euro's worth on this sorry saga: the GUEST mechanism has in fact worked reasonably well for most of the time. There seems to have been a problem recently, but I'm not sure the juvenilia of a few warrants the problems that would be caused to the vast numbers of people who regularly "lurk from work" and occasionally GUEST post if they have something to contribute. Like I used to.

And - I'm an adult, I don't like everything I read here but isn't it like watching TV? There's an "off" button. You don't *have* to read boring, tedious or rude stuff. No-one makes you do it. Personally, I like the Mudcat, warts and all, I've been looking at it for three years now on and off and I'm quite capable of deciding whether someone else is trolling, flaming or just having a robust discussion about something they care deeply about.

And having come rather late into the "Campsite at Drumcree" threads, I'd have been very sorry to lose the possibility of having another of those few days worth of glorious madness just for the sake of a few eejits.

I agree, Max, it's your site, you call the shots. But you have to ask yourself how broken it really is, before you start in on fixing it.

I'm not on the inside, I don't know. Maybe there's stuff going on the average member doesn't see, because the site monitors get to it first. If that's the case, then maybe the Mudcat really *is* broken. I sincerely hope not.

OK, that's it. Best wishes to all Real (and Provisional) Mudcatters and thanks for giving us a great place to be.

Yours ever, Berilac Gamgee from Whitfurrows (see the Inner Hobbit/Let's waste some time thread), formerly GUEST - Tony from Brussels, formerly (and now again) Fossil.