The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44135   Message #648172
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
12-Feb-02 - 10:35 AM
Now Greg Stephens is someone whom I knew years ago as a student, and we've only just got in touch, because he was talking with a mutual friend from those days who was singing one of my songs. So it's no wonder he knew my name. We're getting a bit paranoid here.

On the other hand, I'd not be at all surprised if the last guy posting as "greg stephens" is someone else playing the usual games. That's just one of the things that can happen when you are posting as a GUEST.

As for cookies, as has been pointed out, if you don't want a harmless and inoffensive cookie residing in your computer, it's the easiest thing in the world to get rid of it. All you have to do then is remember the password you picked, the next time you want to log on.

It's a non issue, which makes it ideal for people who want to confuse newcomers.

Here's a link to a song someone dug up about the kind of thinking that underlies a lot of this stuff, and I tucked it away on my website, since it sometime seems very apt, and it's a good song. (And all threads should lead to a song sooner or later, in my opinion.)