The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44175   Message #649083
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
13-Feb-02 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why?
Subject: RE: BS: Why?
One GUEST here is being logical and rational. There are others who have not been. They are the same as they (I use "They" as I am unable to differentiate between folks with one shared name) purport registered members of the forum to be. And they come from a negative space in time. One of the GUESTS stated yesterday that they knew they were the problem but acknowledgement is only part of the desired change.

I am not saying I agree or disagree with any of the comments here. Jon makes a clear request for a rationale so that a solution can be found. Due to some of the folks who go by GUEST twisting whatever it is they want around so often there can be no solution. 5 GUESTS cannot agree any better than some of the Mudcat registered folks. Watching the pure mean streak of a couple of the GUESTS and the responses from some of the members it ends up in a downward spiral that has no good end to it.

I've done my best to stay out of this scrap - I've better things to do for the most part. And none of the folks I've come to question have participated in the Sunday Song Circle (that I am aware of). I can but leave the forum and its interests to the owners.

My personal idea for solving this dilema would be to charge a nominal $5.00 registration fee. Then the mean spirited folks could get booted and if they chose to spend the $5.00 over and over again to be a pain then they would at least be supporting the forum financially. There could also be a trial membership that cost nothing and required no registration as a means of leaving the forum open to new folks.

I personnally have found that by not responding to the angry threads and focusing on the music that I am enjoying this space in time even more than before. I still read some of them to see if anything has changed - but am relatively unconcerned about the outcome. By and large the bulk of this forum is about music in all of its crazy variants.

My .02 worth. And you all have a lovely day eh?
