The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18976   Message #649292
Posted By: Fortunato
13-Feb-02 - 03:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: The evolving Mudcat?What will it become?
Subject: RE: BS: The evolving Mudcat?What will it become?
So this cat Fortunato was sauntering along the board walk over by the sea shore and what does he spy but a bottle floating up on the beach. So he thumps down the steps, jogs over and picks up the bottle. The bottle has cork in it, see? So he pops the cork and out comes a genie in blue silk underwear and a turban.

"Dang", says Fortunato.

"You got one wish, Mr. Guitarpicker", says the geni.

"How'd you know...wait a damn minute, here, I thought it was three wishes!"

Don't you know there's a recession, Fortunato? Do you want the wish or not?"

"Yeah, ok. Say you know what I'd like?"

What am I, a tv psychic?

"What I'd like is a place where I could go, whenever I want, without having to move from my home or office, where I could always meet with my friends and talk about music, blues, and folk stuff and all. And guitars and banjos and everything. And people from all over the world would come there and share music and friendship and ideas and knowledge. Man. Wouldn't that be great? And it'd be free for everybody who was poor but those who could would help support it. And a community would form from totally diverse people who share the common bond of blues and folk music. "

"That's what I wish for", said Fortunato.

"You are a dreamer. Get real. How about nubile blonds, immortality and a billion bucks?"

"Nah, give me the place, man."

"Alright," says the geni.

Poof, you're there.