The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44175   Message #649294
Posted By: GUEST
13-Feb-02 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why?
Subject: RE: BS: Why?
This GUEST isn't bothered by being lumped in with other GUESTS who choose to post vitriolic, baited, or incendiary opinions. Their posts are theirs, and this post is nothing more or less than...this post. What distinguishes it from other posts by members or GUESTS is its content, its structure or lack thereof, the organization of its thoughts or lack thereof, the judged validity and rationality or lack thereof of the statements presented, and the date/time stamp given to it.

If the reader chooses to view this post with preconceived notions about totally anonymous posts, that is the preference of the reader, and there's not much this GUEST wants to do to change that. The reader is trusted to have made decisions that work for them. Just as members and GUESTS with tags choose to associate themselves with their posts, for whatever reason, so others choose to dissociate themselves from their posts, for whatever reason. If the reader chooses, for whatever reason, to ignore this post because its author, for whatever reason, doesn't attach a tag to it, that is the preference of the reader and the author, and this post is not for that particular reader.

This GUEST doesn't expect to influence other GUESTS' or members' behavior, just as this GUEST doesn't let other GUESTS' or members' opinions influence his/her own. This GUEST is secure enough in his/her beliefs to not allow mere words to dictate his/her reactions, especially if those words are lacking in substance or consist entirely of personal attacks. Those kinds of posts, just as any other post, benevolent or malelovent, are easy for GUESTS and members to ignore. Anything can be ignored, if the will power to ignore it is sufficient. What is important and valid is your own personal view, not what someone else thinks of it or you. When one's actions in the things one has control over begin to become influenced by the approval of others external to oneself, then a certain degree of personal freedom has been compromised.

If GUESTS or members choose to judge the value or worthlessness of a post based solely on whether there is a recognizable tag, or no tag attached to it, then so be it. That is exercising the right to choose, and thank God there are some things left that are not chosen for us.

This GUEST isn't bothered that other members are put off by 'tagless' anonymity. There are things about members and other GUESTS that this GUEST wouldn't do personally, but that is a matter of personal preference. Vive la diference.

This GUEST isn't bothered by what other GUESTS or members think about this GUEST personally, GUESTS in general, or this post.

This GUEST has come to respect and admire the posts of other members and GUESTS alike: for the content of their posts; the organization of their thoughts; the validity and rationality of their statements; their brilliance; their genius at music, knowledge, politics, and comedy.

This GUEST will miss the continued posts of some members and GUESTS. Best wishes to all.