The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44137   Message #650307
Posted By: InOBU
14-Feb-02 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: The end of religious freedom in the US
Subject: RE: The end of religious freedom in the US
Funny you should ask, Baywop... In point of fact, we Quakers, possesors of a rather large tract of land, barganed with the Natives, and though did take advantage at first, speaking truthfully but with some less than obvious motives... we are acknowleged by natives as the only Americans who kept and keep all our treaties to the present day, in short, had you other guys kept your word, you would not have to have killed natives to get land. As to the other wars, Quakes did a lot to try to keep them from happening, and carried a lot of hurt folks off the battle fields of all the sides. But, I think the first question is the most important, treat folks right and you don't have to kill each other.
In short, yup if everyone felt as we do, war would be really hard to fight! Cheers, Larry