The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9722   Message #65182
Posted By: GaryD
22-Mar-99 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: Pozo Seco Singers...What happened to 'em?
Subject: RE: Pozo Seco Singers...What happened to 'em?
Yup, that's one of the two albums I had... Speaking of I'll be gone, I know of a dynamite song by a sister of our friend's who wrote a great tribute to her father who had Alzheimer's.. called Gone Forever.. Their name is Curtis & Loretta, & they play professionally all over, but base out of Minneapolis.. They just released a new CD by that name with that song as one of the cuts..

To give you an idea, I'm laying down the 2nd verse & chorus...

But now a disease works in his brain, He's forgotten those children who carry his name. One day as I vacuumed, he watched me then said, "You've done all the work, I've done nothing yet" So I got him a dustrag, and he worked with me, He was still an example for this kid to see.]

If I think of all the things that I've lost, I can simply not bear the thought I am gone forever from his memory, And he cannot do things he once did for me

But I watch my dad and who he is now Plagued by Alzheimers, still somehow, Through the confusion his soul shines through, He says "Come anytime, we loved having you." (#3 repeat this line)

This song really gets to me..& I don't even know anybody close with the illness.. Loretta & her husband are going to be doing a house concert at her sister's next week & we've been fortunate to be invited.. Looking forward to it..

It's fairly early for me, only 10:30 pm..but I'm beat..checking out for now.. Thanks for stopping by..Gary