The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9714   Message #65206
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
23-Mar-99 - 01:44 AM
Thread Name: Songbooks for parties
Subject: RE: Songbooks for parties
For Ed Burk or whoever posted the first message: could the song book you're seeking be "The New Song Fest"? It's got stuff from "Abdul the Bulbul Amir" through "She Is More to Be Pitied than Censured" to "Poor Lil" --including "The Lady in Red." Published at a time when and in a milieu where racial stereotypes were commonly held and were a source of humor: "The Darkie Sunday School," for example--so occasionally offensive beyond mere political incorrectness and certainly not a "people's songbook," but interesting (and probably out of print). --seed