The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44269   Message #652424
Posted By: Bobert
17-Feb-02 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: Buying your way in.
Subject: RE: Buying your way in.
Yo, 53, like your dad told ya' when ya' jumped off the roof into the wading pool on a dare...Shake it off. Play.. and more importantly... enjoy your music. The rest of it will take care of itself. If it's your goal to "make it" then "make it" on the rung you're on now. Hey, for most folks, that's enough. Like I posted earlier. The world is full of very talented musicans. That top rung and even the rungs just below are reserved for the luckier, the most determined, the ones with well oiled connections and the ones who have been waiting in the wings to replace folks who occupy a niche. Country music isn't a whole lot different than NASCAR in that respect. Like I said, just enjoy playing, 53. That is the blessing.