The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9859   Message #65266
Posted By: katlaughing
23-Mar-99 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: Are men more musical?
Subject: RE: Are men more musical?

You might be right, although personally I might be as geeky as the rest up to a point! Up until a year ago, to operate a computer in our house, one had to know what command to type in to make the recalcitrant 386 do its thing and woe to any who pushed a wrong button! I have a whole notebook full of notes on what I did to get where! Also, have a ring binder full of messages from when there was no readily available internet and I used to sit up late at night to get cheap long distance rates when I called up the Green Peace "chat" line and "talked" to people all over, at my expense!

They do like their gadgets though don't they!? **smile** The lil' darlin's!
