The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42077   Message #652937
Posted By: The Shambles
18-Feb-02 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: Help Change Music In My Country
David Heath MP (Lib Dem, Somerton & Frome) has secured an adjournment debate on reform of public entertainment licences in the House of Commons on Wednesday 27 February:

This is, I believe, the first time PELs will be the subject of a timetabled House of Commons debate.

It was David Heath's question in the Commons on 3 December that provoked the now notorious comment by Junior Culture Minister, Dr Kim Howells: '...For a simple urban boy such as me, the idea of listening to three Somerset folk singers sounds like hell...'

Mr Heath had pointed out: '...Does the Minister not recognise that live music in pubs and inns has the potential to make a major contribution to tourism in rural areas, which we have already said we want to promote?'

It was odd that Dr Howells did not take the opportunity to develop this important point. A few weeks earlier he had remarked: '...Somebody told me the other they had calculated that even in remote areas the hospitality industry and the tourism industry between them is worth four times that of farming, and many times that in terms of employment. So it is absolutely essential, I think, that we do not sit back, we do not delay too far on this but we say "Let us see how we can help the industry by deregulation"...' [Select Committee hearing on licensing deregulation, 16 October 2001]

In fact, deregulation as a means to remedy the absurd iniquities of two-in-a-bar was rejected some years ago. Meanwhile, all the Government will say about a new licensing Bill is that it will be presented 'as soon as Parliamentary time permits'.