The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44229   Message #653845
Posted By: The_one_and_only_Dai
20-Feb-02 - 03:29 AM
Thread Name: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
Subject: RE: Evn more after Stony Dratsford
Great set of pictures, Andreas - thank you for taking the time to post these to pene.

FYI the 'unknown fiddler' in the lairy trousers is the great Ivor Sayer - songs sung, fiddles, guitars, melodeons and mandolins played, and acupuncture done ;-)

The guy in the red shirt next to me in the Crown is Tim Hague. Yes he is related, but we don't hold that against him.

Steve and Lindy at the Crown say 'Hi' and are looking forward to seeing you all again...