The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43158   Message #654454
Posted By: Red Eye
21-Feb-02 - 01:35 AM
Thread Name: Bloody Sunday - Bloody Disgrace?
Subject: RE: Bloody Sunday - Bloody Disgrace?
Appreciate your comments Pooka. My intention was to open debate between Mudcatters in relation to the inquiry. The cost is going to be astronomical. Estimates have been put at £200 m All this just to be able to say to the British Goverment "told you so". Something that was known by the families anyway. This blood letting will never bring back the dead from either side of this conflict. I bring your attention to the cost because of the ongoing campaign in Omagh. They are trying to raise £2 million pounds to be able to pursue the killers of their loved ones through the civil courts. You probably know where I would rather see this wasted money spent.