The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #43694   Message #654743
Posted By: Alice
21-Feb-02 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's New & Good Today?
Subject: RE: BS: What's New & Good Today?
There is happy marriage and mandolin news in this thread, which is nice to see.

UPDATE for my earlier good news: my son and his friend Seth were chosen for the high school talent show. They had to fill out forms for the performance that included a name for their act, and their acts' "costume" for the dress rehearsal lighting check. Ryan's nick-name at school is "Mando-Flynn" because kids gather in the music room after school to hear him play mandolin, and his friend, Seth Alt, is called "Salt" by the other students. So, their act name is "Mando-Flynn And Salt". I did a logo design for them and uploaded to cafepress to make their band costume - matching tee shirts and baseball caps. This will give them better quality prints than if I tried to make a transfer on the desk-top printer and use a home iron.
Mando-Flynn And Salt

We are in good health, I started doing Tae-Bo last week, which gives me more energy, and I am working on a book cover illustration assignment for Penguin-Putnam publishers. Alice