The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44205   Message #654837
Posted By: Rustic Rebel
21-Feb-02 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: Hello to New Members
Subject: RE: Hello to New Members
Allow me to introduce myself- I'm a bitch, I'm a liar, I'm a sinner-- no wait --that's Allanis or somebody.Actually some folks might say I'm a bitch when they read some posts only because I seem to have some kind of funky sense of humor,dry and dark at times, but in light of that I just say Hey, better to have some kind of humor than none at all. So now that you all know I am some kind of wannabe stand up comedian, I actually have more interest in Blues. I play some kind of strange way about me guitar, I play harmonica (known as Shaky Legs Sue) I have attempted pal talk but so far I'm not configured right or something, but I will keep trying. I write a lot of strange music. Blues and what I want to call contemporary folk. I write a lot of humorous men bashing songs, and don't get me wrong I love men, they just seem to be a good thing to write about. Oh the evils of some men! (People try to talk me into writing love songs and they come out, Oh how I'll 'LOVE' it when your lying in your grave!) What did I tell you about the sick humor in me. Anyway enough. I suspect we will get to know each other more as time goes by. Thanks to all who have helped in past posts, and jeez-- there's no place like h... mudcat! Rustic Rebel