The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9859   Message #65486
Posted By: Susan A-R
23-Mar-99 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: Are men more musical?
Subject: RE: Are men more musical?
As someone who's math is limited to balancing the check book and multiplying recipes by twelve, (And I WANT TO KEEP IT THAT WAY, PLEASE PLEASE, I am not sure that I buy the math thing, although I suppose that I could be a statistical anomoly (wow! where did THAT come from?)

I am some glad that music is not a male or female thing exclusively, and seemingly getting more inclusive all the time, particularly in the instrumental realm. It makes it much more fun, both harmonically when we sing, and socially too. As someone who is married to a terrific male concert pianist, I have to say (p'raps another anomoly here) I don't buy the better female pianists arguement. Although piano lessons were certainly part of the "accomplished female" thing when I was growing up. Glad they thought fiddle would be better for my legally blind self. Kinda hard to truck one of those pianos around to festivals, jam sessions, etc.

ramblin' Susan A-R