The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9859   Message #65647
Posted By: Bert
24-Mar-99 - 02:50 PM
Thread Name: Are men more musical?
Subject: RE: Are men more musical?
Well my Mother was the musical one in our family (Stepmother really, so I didn't inherit anything). My sister (also step) certainly did and she has perfect pitch and a wonderful voice.

Now my Dad is singing all the time but he isn't too good musically and tends to simplify a lot of tunes and hits off notes now and then. Of course, I inherited ALL of his abilities.

So I find music very difficult, with practice, over the years I have improved a little but it's still hard work.

BUT, being an engineer, some of the theory is quite simple. One time when I was stuck out in the Middle East with no reference material I was able to work out from scratch that the ratio between successive frets on a guitar was the 12th. root of 2. Having learned at school that a string stopped at half it's length will sound it's octave. There is no way though that I could HEAR those intervals.
