The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13794   Message #656684
Posted By: Mr Red
24-Feb-02 - 06:58 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat jargon and 'inside' jokes
Subject: RE: Mudcat jargon and 'inside' jokes
What about people who speak to one person as if they are responding to a thread. AR maybe, scores to settle perhaps, using "us" for sure but generally waste our thinking efforts when we don't have the clues to their hidden agenda?
Might I respectfully suggest the term Agenda Vendor
these things being what they are I'm sure if there is a need for the title it will fall to the community that is "the 'cat" to evolve one anyway.
Yes! It is an issue with me currently. (don't want any hidden agendas from Mr Open-red-handed-tactics do we?)