The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44549   Message #656741
Posted By: AR282
24-Feb-02 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: Scott Joplin and Treemonisha
Subject: RE: Scott Joplin and Treemonisha
It may be that the 1938 date is now the official one and perhaps that's all is--the public domain status doesn't apply yet. That's good in that it will some day then go into effect and versions of Treemonisha may then abound but that will depend on the mood of the country by that time. Labels may lose interest by that time and figure there's no money in it may not record it. The point is, it was botched royally. It was supposed to have come out when public attention was focused on Joplin but it didn't and when you let moments like that slip away from you, it's damned hard to get them back. If and when multiple Treemonisha versions come out, it may very well be that no one will notice.

Hopefully, I'll be able to print up something about the legalitites tommorrow.