The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44549   Message #657228
Posted By: Dicho (Frank Staplin)
25-Feb-02 - 12:44 AM
Thread Name: Scott Joplin and Treemonisha
Subject: RE: Scott Joplin and Treemonisha
In an earlier post, you say you "know that no other label can release a version of Treemonisha--I know that." What is your evidence, other than that no complete version has been released? What is the court evidence?
A cd of excerpts from the St. Louis production is available, the order blank lists it at $15.00: order
A reprint of the Joplin score was published by Dover and is available from them for $19.95. My thought is that no one thinks that a complete recording of their version would be profitable and that is the reason none has been released. It is hard to compete with the plush (but flawed) Houston Opera production on the Deutsche Gramaphone release, which includes the libretto of the Schuller version and would be very costly to match. I know I would hesitate unless I could afford a loss.