The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44675   Message #657717
Posted By: catspaw49
25-Feb-02 - 04:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kendall Morse-Bad Jokes Cause Problems
Subject: Kendall Morse-Bad Jokes Cause Problems
As most of you know, THIS is the week for Kendall to see his surgeon down in Boston to take care of the problems he's been having with his vocal cords. In a previous thread Kendall said: "Well folks, the word is this; I have a date with the surgeon on February 27th. He says there is a 75% chance that I will regain full use of my voice. I hope he is being conservative.".......This is the first time Kendall has supported a "conservative" position in many years............

I was doing some investigating on this subject as I have a load of surgical sites bookmarked owing to the fact that I seem to keep using surgeons to stay alive. I was looking into Kendall's situation with the polyps and all and I found that this may not be the problem! Indeed, in many cases with patients such as Kendall, it has been found that something else is irritating the vocal cords.

The disease Kendall may have is called the WOSAT syndrome. WOSAT is an acronym for Worn Out Sorry Ass Tales and the syndrome results from telling them repeatedly over and over and over and over and over and over.......Well, you get the point. There is a small flap of tissue where the vocal cords attach at their lower end that can become enlarged over the years. When enlarged it acts as a capture device, picking up worn out punch lines and long winded stories as they pass through. As Kendall has been engaging in this activity for many years, it's likely that this may be his problem.

Surgery in this case can be quite dangerous......not to the patient, but to the surgeon and the OR staff. When the Doctor cuts into the flap to reduce it's size, bits and pieces of boring and long winded stories, sad-ass jokes, and insipid punch lines' must be vacuumed out immediately. If the surgeon fails to have all the proper instruments and equipment at the ready, then this pathetic effluvia of a lifetime of "humor" can escape into the atmosphere and completely overcome the staff.

There was a case in Nebraska where an OR Team had to be taken from the OR to a local asylum where they recovered, but only after many months of therapy involving listening to Lawrence Welk records while imagining Dubya and Tony Blair going down on each other.

In any case Gang, Kendall heads for the Doc on Wednesday and I know he has a good outlook on the whole thing, but maybe we need to give him one more round of Mudcat Support to let him know that we got our best thoughts and prayers heading his way!!!

Good Luck Cap'n!!! All my best to you my friend...You have the best wishes and thoughts from Karen and I for good results!!!!!!!

...but you knew that already didn't you.........