The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44566   Message #658393
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
26-Feb-02 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: Baby Due
Subject: RE: Baby Due
I never got to be serene, it was either face down in the toilet/bucket/sink/nearest hedge, or the beached whale. She grew quick and stayed big..... so I looked like a short blonde VW Beetle from about 3 months, especially when I lay down. I couldn't get up easily so I just stayed there.... I never did the serene waddle around the baby shops, it was "you've got 3 minutes to serve me before I throw up on your displays...."

Good luck with it all, and get your rest now, you sure as hell won't get any after it's born!!!

(And classical Greek names are just as bad for spelling... in Bratlings' class there is a Cloe, a Nerissa and of course Phoebe.... argh!!)