The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44686   Message #659026
Posted By: Maryrrf
27-Feb-02 - 10:41 AM
Thread Name: Carrickfergus
Subject: RE: Carrickfergus
What kind of emotions would "Wild Colonial Boy" elicit?? I just thought of it as one of those "outlaw" songs although I guess it could be classified as rebel. I got admonished about doing "Black Velvet Band" - I'd never thought of it as an IRA song but apparently in some circles it is. This was in Scotland, by the way. My friend did "Back Home in Derry" (written, of course, by Bobby Sands!) which I didn't think was a great idea since we didn't know which way the wind was blowing in that particular pub. But he got away with it unscathed.