The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5875   Message #65922
Posted By: Anais
25-Mar-99 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: Has anyone the courage now? (Moses Asch)
Subject: RE: Has anyone the courage now?
I'll try not to waste valuable thread-space on naivete, but here goes, going back a ways:

So why ISN'T political music popular music? 'Cause it sure as hell used to be in the sixties and seventies, didn't it? I work at a little deli where one of my managers insists on playing that sort of station where you hear the top five songs over and over during your shift. And the music is absolute fluff, like sometimes you can't extract any meaning at all from the lyrics. But this other mangager always plays a classic rock station and those lyrics usually have plenty to say, politically. Yep, it sucks; the manager always gets to choose the station. And so maybe it's all about the fact that, back then, the social and political injustice going on was just way more obvious, and for that reason people everywhere could write songs about it. Whereas today what's going on is less apparent (especially to me in Whiteville U.S.A.) and so people don't want to hear about it. Which brings me to another question: Would people just rather hear fluff? Monica Lewinsky fluff, N Sync fluff? Or is that just what they're feeding us 'cause that's what they want us to hear? Could someone respond? (Sorry, more middle-class liberalism) Anais