The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44804   Message #660134
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
28-Feb-02 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Guitar batteries SUCK!
Subject: Guitar batteries SUCK!
Who the hell ever thought it'd be a good idea to put the pre-amp battery INSIDE the body of the guitar and only provide access to it THROUGH THE SOUND HOLE!?!?!?!?!?!?

I LOVE my Seagulls, BUT... the L.R. Baggs hardware puts the battery on the back of the circuit board inside the top of the body... It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to get at the battery without 1) taking the strings off! Not just loosening 'em.. these guitars are small, and the hands are large... I gotta slack all the strings right off so I can get in and 2) RAKING THE SKIN OFF my fingers against the solder-side of the circuit board! And do you know how long it takes to grow back knuckle skin?!?!?!?!

The Tack preamp allows you to change yer batteries (2 Double A's that didn't even last a whole night, but that's another thread) through a wee little door in the hardware plate... I seem to recall that a chums Ovation, or Guild does the same thing with his 9V pre-amp battery...

I've been in touch with LR Baggs and they SAY they have a 10 buck item called a "LR Bagg Battery Bag" or such like, that takes the battery off the circuit board, and set it elsewhere in the body of the guitar... BUT... they refuse to send me an order form, or to point me to a web site where I can buy the thing... and EVERY music store I've check with has been stumped by the request...

Long and McQuade locally are supposed to be checking with their home office after this thing for me, but with their track record of stuff not in the store, I'm not holding my breath... My bass player has been waiting since Mid December for them to get a black pick guard in for his Fender Jazz bass...

Every preamp should run off phantom power, and every mixer should provide phantom power!! LOL!!!

