The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41556   Message #660513
Posted By: GUEST,harvey andrews
01-Mar-02 - 07:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
Subject: RE: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
My opinions on all other issues are irrelevant.This is a one issue discussion. I've heard all the counter arguments for years and have thought them all through. My conclusion is the human race does not need to kill anything for pleasure. Those that kill for the "joy" of hunting are different to those of us who don't. These differences have always been sorted eventually by concensus and what can be loosely termed "democracy". For most of my life the other people have had their democratic legislation passed to their advantage. Now they're screaming that it's not democratic when the elected reps of the people vote against their interests. Well' sorry folks, but that's how the cookie crumbles! However I think this Blair govt is so cowardly and immoral that they will again allow the unelected Lords to block the will of the people and then we will see that the so-called democratic process is a sham and this will lead, as it always does, to direct action and forms of terrorism.When the people are not heard, the people eventually act. The only way to avoid further problems is to accept the elected voice of the people and act on it. No one says majority rule is pleasant for the minority but that's the system we have and we can't be selective about it.If a free vote can block the hang 'em lobby then a free vote must be allowed to block the hunt 'em lobby or where do we go.