The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44686   Message #660765
Posted By: Don Firth
01-Mar-02 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: Carrickfergus
Subject: RE: Carrickfergus
Carrickfergus? Men of Harlech? I don't think so. Not really good choices for a light soprano.

Charlotte Church has an exceptional natural voice. Should she chose to go that way and should her voice develop sufficient power as she matures, opera is a distinct possibility. But doing a whole string of concert tours and television specials at her age could well ruin her voice. I know nothing about her parents or her voice teacher or any agents she might have, but on the face of it, it looks to me like the kid is being exploited. Bad advice all the way around.

The first time I heard her on Public Television (age 13) I thought she had a fantastic voice--for a kid her age--but it's also a fairly delicate voice. Needs careful nurturing if it's going to reach its best potential. Careful nurturing would consist of continuing her voice lessons, allowing her voice to open up naturally, and singing occasional recitals. But not doing gruelling concert tours! Save that for later. The last time I heard her on Public Television (age 15 or 16, I think) I could hear definite sounds of strain in her voice. She was having to push a bit, and that's not good.

I'm afraid for the kid.

By the way, what ever became of Aled Jones, the Welsh boy soprano? Emerged in a blaze of glory, brilliant young singer destined for fame and fortune! Then he promptly vanished from sight, at least on this side of the pond.

As for Sarah Brightman, she has a lovely voice (small--not big enough for opera, although lots of singers with small voices can get away with doing operatic arias in concert). But to me, two songs sung by Sarah Brightman is like overdosing on fudge. She's so sweet she makes me a bit ill. Nice voice, though.

Don (musical curmudgeon) Firth