The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44860   Message #661048
Posted By: raredance
01-Mar-02 - 08:43 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Tell Old Bill (Van Ronk?)
Subject: RE: Origins of 'Tell Old Bill' (Van Ronk)?
Sandburg in "The American Songbag" describes the song as "from the ballad as sung by Nancy Barnhart, painter and etcher, of St Louis. It is a monotone of life in songtones of dusk colors and rhythms that emerge from shadows. The final verse is a scneario for a pantomime." Sandburg calls the song "Dis Mornin', Dis Evenin', So Soon". The "Singout Reprints" adds that Sandburg collected it in the 1920's and that about 10 years later Sam Hinton got a different version from a black farmer in Walker County Texas. Singout printed the Gibson arrangement of the song. Hinton's version was on his Decca album "Singing Across the Land"

rich r