The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44875   Message #661321
Posted By: katlaughing
02-Mar-02 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: Kendall's biopsy
Subject: RE: Kendall's biopsy
Peg's got that right about visualising the white light, Kendall. If you can visualise swallowing it, that can be helpful, too.

Another visualisation to work on is an *army* of healthy cells moving in and overtaking the cancerous cells which are broken up and carried from your body as coomon waste, with the healthy cells setting up shop instead.

If you haven't read any of Dr. Bernie Siegel's books,esp. Love, Medicine, and Miracles, you might find them helpful. He's a big believer in music and its effects, as well as positive thinking and a patient being surrounded by positive people, very important, that.

We will do all we are able to help you get through this. You, dear Cap't., are in the Mudcat Spotlight and it is a mighty powerful force.
