The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44875   Message #661392
Posted By: Jeri
02-Mar-02 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: Kendall's biopsy
Subject: RE: Kendall's biopsy
Physician Statement on Laryngeal cancer - loads of information for which a medical dictionary may be required.

Kendall, I can't begin to know what you're feeling now. I can't help but wonder if (as SINSULL already mentioned) something that will respond to methods than the knife might not turn out better in the long run. I don't know, and you're probably going nuts waiting to talk to the doctor.

I try to help by offering links, opinions and speculation. It's a small thing and it may be somewhat obnoxious, but there's nothing else I can do. Your voice is important to you. To those of us who know you a bit, what we care about is Kendall. We care about your humor, wisdom and gentle nature. We care about you because you care about others. It's hard to find things to say that show our feelings - both the voice and the keyboard are less than effective in expressing some things.

Virtual hugs aren't anything like real ones, but you have as many as you want from me.
Take care, my friend.