The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44875   Message #661419
Posted By: KT
02-Mar-02 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: Kendall's biopsy
Subject: RE: Kendall's biopsy
Hey, Kendall. Not the news any of us were hoping to hear.........We're all with you though...I hope you can feel that.

Not being suspended with the "unknowing" anymore, we can send whatever healing prayers, thoughts, images we can muster for you. I don't know how you feel about imagery......white light and such, or prayer. I personally am a very strong believer. The way I see it, some healing energy comes in the form of words, some as pictures, some as's all a form of prayer to me. I'll be joining the others in sending you the very best I can muster. You'll come through this, Kendall. KT