The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44914   Message #661843
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
03-Mar-02 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: Song Quiz
Subject: Song Quiz
Following the success of the "non-Dilbert" workout, I thought there might be room for a short quiz. Please think before posting answers, give others thinking time. You can PM me if you're stuck and want a quick(er) answer, or post to the list to claim 50% or 75% success (or100%). or to say which questions are really bugging you. But Please don't give it all away too soon.
Dependant upon response, I will either post the full answers in 2-3 days, or (if people are still trying) will post the names of the performing acts. Most of these should be known on both sides of the big pond, but I am writing from Wales. (Now, hoping i've got these line breaks right)
All questions have been set as descriptions, rather than questions. At my local club someone got 17/20 in half an hour.
I may occasionally take liberties with spellings! *G*

1, The day before this.
2, My male sibling is not overweight.
3, The result of lachrymation.
4, A good looking bird, apparently with only one leg.
5, A portal coloured chartreuse, or emerald.
6, A phenomenon experienced only seven times in London in the last century.
7, To act exuberantly, apparently a common practice at Tom Jones concerts.
8, A lunar phenomenon only happening about once every two years.
9, The far away sound of timpani
10, A raised passageway over a maelstrom.
11, Area of Liverpool, apparently somewhere to "pick your own" .
12, A rabbits foot, four leaf clover, or Cornish Piskie.
13, A flying mammal from Hades.
14, 35840 pounds.
15, How to greet Cindy or Barbie.
16, A request for aid from a Welsh valley.
17, Masculine equivlent of a spinster girl.
18, A rustic container holds the water of life.
19, How to prepare an egg, for scrambled egg.
20, An unsteady form of illumination, at risk from the elements.
