The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44874   Message #662302
Posted By: Steve Parkes
04-Mar-02 - 03:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Prince Philip
Subject: RE: BS: Prince Philip
Speaking of BBC Radio 4, was it yesterday morning someone said they're waiting for a tabloid newspaper to refer to Prince Charles as "the millionaire son of a Greek immigrant"?

But back to the Immigrant himself: I'm never too impressed when people take offence on behalf of others. It's not as if the native Australians (is that pc?) don't have the gumption to complain themselves if they need to, and I think it smacks of patronising and condescension. If P theG made some not-very-funny wisecrack about Folk singers/musicians, we'd have no problem letting him--and the world--kow what we thought, would we? And if I thought it was actually funny, I'd say so. There are plenty of professional comedians who are genuinely offensive, so we shouldn't be too hard on HRH.
