The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44987   Message #663290
Posted By: SharonA
05-Mar-02 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: In Spite of Ourselves (John Prine)
Subject: 'In Spite of Ourselves' by John Prine
Part of the lyrics made it into this page from a self-styled "folk fiction novel" on the (John Prine Shrine) site: Sam Stone (page 4)

By the way, some lyrics sites for "In Spite of Ourselves" say that the last line is to be spoken, not sung.

A bit more about the history of the song from this page (another review of the Concert for a Land Mine Free World, held January 17, 2002):

"John Prine also mentioned having been approached by Billy Bob Thornton a few years ago, with an invitation to play his brother in a film [a film so successful that it has yet to be released!] and to write a song for the movie. 'Well,' said Prine, 'I COULD write a song, but I wondered what KIND of song,' – the point being that such songs frequently have nothing whatsoever to do with the storyline- and, he continued, '[you see the movie and] think WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM?'
"He DID write the song, 'In Spite of Ourselves', which was thereafter recorded with Iris DeMent (a little number that she can apparently use to torment her mother.)
"-This appears on John Prine's magnificent 'In Spite of Ourselves' album.
"[Released in 1999, 'In Spite of Ourselves' is highly recommended by Lynn_Bex, this being a collection of what Prine calls Country "meetin', cheatin' and retreatin' songs" performed as duets with some of his favourite girl singers].