The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44850   Message #663527
Posted By: GUEST,MC Fat
06-Mar-02 - 06:20 AM
Thread Name: Beverley folk festival
Subject: RE: Beverley folk festival
That's sad Roger about Tap/Sun, however I think if we was determined enuff we could find venues i.e. back to Nellies ? Hodgsons ? That club near the station (a previous landlord of Tap has it !!) even the small Mansfield pub along from the Tap/Sun were all welcoming of folkies in the past. I can't believe that the Council can't see the economic benefit that the Fest brings to Beverley town as a whole (or more to the point I can believe it considering Beverley Council must be run by a bunch of Tory Tossers).The Festival itself tried to squeeze the fringe a few years ago by trying to stop camping for non ticket holders (I always managed to find a way to get on the site) so it would be ironic if we managed to continue a fringe when the main festival went tits up !!